Man inspecting home.

What to consider before refinancing your home

为房屋或抵押贷款再融资有相关的成本和费用,这些成本和费用可能会根据贷款金额而增加, property location and other factors.

What is refinancing and why refinance?

Refinancing a mortgage can have many benefits, such as a lower interest rate and monthly payment, 从可调利率抵押贷款到固定利率抵押贷款的再融资, or reducing your term to pay off your mortgage faster. However, 如果再融资的成本超过了储蓄,那么保持目前的抵押贷款可能是一个更好的选择.

因为再融资涉及还清你目前的抵押贷款,并拿出一个新的, 所产生的费用可能与您为原始抵押贷款支付的费用相似. 再融资费用加起来可能高达贷款金额的5%或更多, depending on where your property is located. These fees and costs may include, but aren't limited to:

  • Processing/underwriting fee
  • Appraisal fee
  • Loan origination fees
  • Title/attorney fees
  • Flood determination fee
  • Escrow reserves for property taxes and insurance
  • Discount points for a lower interest rate
  • Credit report fee

Should you refinance?


How old is my current mortgage?

If you're well into your current mortgage, 评估再融资会增加多少年的抵押贷款支付. It doesn't make good financial sense to begin a 15-, 20-, 或者30年期抵押贷款,如果你现在的贷款还剩10年. In the long run, 如果你再融资,你最终可能要支付数千美元的利息, even if the interest rate and monthly payment are lower.

另外,你支付的主要是抵押贷款头几年的利息. The same applies to a refinanced mortgage. 所以与其像你以前那样在本金上取得进展, you'll be back to nearly interest-only payments.

Does my current mortgage have a prepayment penalty?

If your mortgage has a prepayment penalty, 如果你对贷款进行再融资,你可能会被收取费用,因为你实际上是在到期前还清贷款. 你需要检查你的贷款条款,关于提前还款罚款期和罚款额. If you'll incur a prepayment penalty, 确保将其添加到再融资费用列表中,以便准确评估您的再融资成本.

How long am I planning to stay here?

If you're planning to move within the next three years, you may not want to refinance your current mortgage. Recouping the costs of refinancing takes time; you can easily figure out how long by dividing the amount you'll pay in fees by the amount you'll save each month. 结果就是你的新贷款需要多少个月才能收支平衡. 如果你打算在盈亏平衡点之前卖掉你的房子,再融资可能就没有意义了.

Am I out of equity?

你的房子是否贬值了,需要你为超过80%的房屋价值融资? 或者你正试图摆脱一个创造性的首次抵押贷款-房屋净值组合贷款? 没有80%贷款价值比的抵押贷款可能需要你每月向你的贷方支付私人抵押贷款pp王者电子官网(PMI).

PMI protects your lender in case you default on your loan, 但是pp王者电子官网费会使你的月供增加一大笔, and are not tax-deductible.

What's my credit score?

你的信用评分直接决定了你的新抵押贷款利率. 你的信用评分每差100分,就可能导致30年期抵押贷款利息支付增加数千美元, depending on the amount of the loan, according to FICO (formerly known as Fair Isaac Corporation).

如果你的信用评分受到打击,因为你目前的抵押贷款, you may want to work on improving your credit score before refinancing. 你的信用评分是你的信用历史的反映,在一个时间点, 而且随着新的信息被添加到你的信用报告中,它也会发生变化.

Remember, 抵押贷款机构通常会从这三个报告机构检查你的信用评分, so you should, too. The myFICO™ website 有关于信用评分和抵押贷款利率之间关系的大量信息吗.

Your needs may outweigh the costs

Of course, 你的需求可能超过你对上述问题的回答,并证明你的抵押贷款再融资是合理的. After all, 你可能需要降低月供,或者在可调利率抵押贷款重新调整之前退出, or want to consolidate high-interest debt, make home improvements, or pay for education or medical expenses.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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