


冬天的路况会变得非常危险. The roads might become wet, snowy, slushy or icy and poor visibility can result when it’s foggy. 在所有与天气有关的事故中, 24% 发生在泥泞、结冰或下雪的道路上. 2020年,与天气有关的事故导致了 374人死亡.

州和地方机构的开支 $2.30亿年 每年进行除雪和防冰, 但即使是相对较短的旅行, 你可能会被困好几个小时. 提前计划很重要,比如 穿得暖暖的, for the situations that can arise as winter conditions develop.


计划 给你的车防寒 在本季第一场风暴来临之前. Consider checking or talking to your mechanic about the following:

  • 测试 电池的力量.
  • Inspect the exhaust system and the air, fuel and emission filters.
  • 检查加热和冷却系统, 雨刷和防冻液液位, 换机油.
  • 检查前窗和后窗除霜器.
  • See that hoses, fan belts and all components are working properly.
  • 考虑更换火花塞.
  • 每周检查一下胎压和胎面寿命. 考虑安装 冬用轮胎 因为它们能在冰冷的路面上提供更好的牵引力.
  • 找到备胎、千斤顶和刮冰机.
  • 检查前后车灯. The front lights should provide the brightest illumination possible. 更换烧坏的灯泡.
  • Inspect your wiper blades to see that they're functional and in good condition.
  • 如果你的车用的是柴油,要小心这个事实 柴油会凝结 在非常寒冷的温度下. 冬季燃料添加剂可以起到很好的预防作用. Also be aware that your fuel filter could potentially become blocked with gelled fuel, 什么会导致车辆失速.


Winter driving can have its own set of challenges from the moment you start your 车辆. 这里有一些有用的 冬季驾驶建议:

  • 清霜,雪,冰 彻底从所有的车窗和车外的后视镜. Brush snow away to help prevent it from blowing into your line of sight while driving.
  • 永远不要在封闭的车库里给你的车热身. 这可能会导致 一氧化碳问题.
  • Consider keeping your gas tank at least half full to help prevent gas line freeze-up. It’s also a good idea to keep your tank full in case you become stuck in the snow waiting for rescue or if you have an emergency and need to drive somew在这里.
  • 检查你的排气管没有被泥或雪堵塞.
  • 不要在结冰的道路上使用巡航控制系统.
  • 允许 更多的制动时间和空间 能见度低时.
  • 尽量保持冷静,如果你开始打滑 做好迎接黑冰的准备.
  • 如果你的车有防抱死刹车, be familiar with how they operate so you are not surprised if your ABS brakes engage in slick driving conditions.

All drivers should think about using extra caution when driving in winter conditions. 慢下来,留出额外的时间到达目的地.


冬天的天气可能会把你困在雪里, but including the following items in your winter driving kit might help you get back on the road and on your way:

  • 小型折叠铲
  • 拖链和轮胎链条
  • 基本工具箱
  • 一袋路盐或猫砂
  • 照明弹,电池供电的手电筒和备用电池
  • 明亮的布系在你的车上
  • 吹口哨
  • 额外的雨刷液和防冻液
  • 跨接电缆 or an external battery charger to start your car if your battery dies


保持一个 应急装备 手头还有一个小型的冬季救生包. 一些有用的项目包括:

  • 急救箱
  • 手机充电器
  • 刮冰刷
  • 药物
  • 毯子, 温暖的衣服, 帽子和手套, 围巾, 暖手暖脚器, wool socks and other cold weather gear to help protect against hypothermia
  • Insulated bottled drinking water and high-energy nonperishable foods


很少有人喜欢在暴风雪中开车, and many heed warnings to stay off the roads when a storm is bearing down. 但即使是准备最充分、最专业的司机也会被困住. 如果这种情况发生在你身上,这里有一些重要的提醒:

  • 做好准备. While the best first step is prevention, some storms come on quickly. 如果你被困住了, 在车里放一些必需品, 如上所述, 能让你在等待时感到舒适吗.
  • 呆在室内. 如果可能的话, pull off the highway and turn on your hazard lights or tie something bright to your car's antenna or door handle to signal that you need help. Then wait inside your car until help arrives to avoid exposure to 冻伤和帮助防止体温过低.
  • 拨打911. If you have a charged phone and reception, call for help and describe your location as best you can.
  • 清理排气管. 下车前留意迎面而来的车辆. 注意不要让雪覆盖你的排气管 防止潜在的一氧化碳积聚 在车里. If you can do so safely, check the tailpipe periodically to ensure that fresh snow isn't blocking it.
  • 继续前进. 在车里保持活跃可以帮助你保暖. Clap your hands and tap your toes to help keep your circulation moving and prevent frostbite, 但要尽量避免过度劳累和出汗.
  • 多喝水. Dehydration can make you more susceptible to the effects of the cold. 如果你的车里没有饮用水, try melting some snow inside a bag or other makeshift cup to help stay hydrated.
  • 节约汽车电池. 节约使用电灯、暖气和收音机.
  • 发动引擎. 前提是你的油箱里有足够的汽油, run the engine for about 10 minutes every hour to help keep the car warm. Turn on interior lights when your engine is on so you can be more visible inside your car. 稍微打开下风的窗户通风.
  • 不要过度劳累. 寒冷的天气会使你的心脏承受额外的压力. 如果你不习惯锻炼, shoveling snow or pushing a car could put you at increased risk of a heart attack.

这个冬天要注意安全,注意保暖. 了解更多关于如何 为冬季风暴做好准备和恢复. 如欲了解更多有关我们的紧急路边服务, 联系您的代理商.



  • 帽子 & 手套
  • 毯子
  • 围巾
  • 手 & 暖足器
  • 羊毛袜

24% =的 percentage of yearly weather-related 车辆 crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavement

保持可见 & 连接

  • 手电筒 & 额外的电池
  • 明亮的布系在你的车上
  • 照明弹或哨子
  • 手机充电器

70% =的 U.S. population that lives in regions that receive 5 or more inches of snow every year


  • 绝缘瓶装水
  • 不易坏的零食
  • 药物
  • 急救箱

116,800 = number of people injured every year in 车辆 crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavement


  • 一袋沙子
  • 跨接电缆或外部电池充电器
  • 小雪铲 & 刮冰机
  • 灭火器 & 雨刷液

2.30亿年 =的 dollars spent by state and local agencies 每年进行除雪和防冰


Be sure that your fuel tank is at least half full and your tires are fully inflated.


pg电子官方网页版 谁能帮忙?.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.






T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.




什么是黑冰?? 注意这个冬季的道路危险

在寒冷的道路上很难发现黑冰. 状态 Farm®提供了这些关于黑冰安全的提示.


是的,你确实需要学习如何保养轮胎. 这六个简单的任务只需要几分钟.


Know the tires you need for winter driving, and how to maintain them for increased tire safety.