Woman at her laptop reviewing social media settings to ensure her personal information is protected.


随着社交媒体的不断普及, it's important to proactively keep yourself safe and your account and information private and secure.

Protecting your information online is becoming increasingly more important. 随着社交媒体的发展, millions of people can easily stay in touch and express themselves with friends, 家人及同事. 但随着电脑黑客的盛行, it's important to proactively keep yourself safe and your account and information private and secure. Here are some helpful online and social media security tips for all age groups.


在浏览社交媒体网站时,这里有一些有用的建议. 最重要的是, remember that whatever information you share becomes public and often is then the property of the social media site and can be shared by them or others.

  • 不要分享你的密码. 如果你已经分享了它或者怀疑它被偷了, 你应该立即更改密码, 所以你, 只有你, 可以访问您的帐户吗.
  • 更改密码. 这是个好主意 更改密码 from time to time and choose a complex combination of letters and numbers, 使用大小写和其他标记. And remember to use different passwords for each social media site.
  • 检查你的隐私设置. If you're able to adjust the privacy settings, choose the right level to suit your comfort. Only choose to share the information you want with the people you choose to share it.
  • 控制谁可以搜索你. Social media sites will often let you make your profile "public", 人们可以搜索并找到你的地方, 或“私人”, 只有你把地址告诉别人才能找到你的地方.
  • 不要接受陌生人的联系邀请. If the invitation comes from someone who shares a common connection, contact your mutual connection to confirm that the invitation is legitimate.
  • 在网上发帖时要有良好的判断力. 互联网内容将永远在线, 所以要小心不要发布可能会让你尴尬的东西, 你的家人或商业伙伴.
  • 点击链接时要小心. When you see posts or receive messages from "friends" through a site that contains links, 像对待一封电子邮件一样对待他们 避免网络钓鱼诈骗.
  • 小心“测验”和“游戏”. These are fun to take but sometimes they are engineered to gather information about you.


罪犯在社交媒体上大肆攻击,就像 电子邮件网络钓鱼诈骗. 在网上使用一些预防措施来避免常见的诈骗, 特别是如果你已经积累了经济资源. 以下是一些避免常见诈骗的建议:

  • 搜索你的名字. 时不时地, enter your name into an internet search engine to see what information about you comes up. This is the kind of information a potential scammer would be able to find. 如果你认为你分享了太多信息, go to the privacy settings and restrict who can see your information and what information they can see.
  • 确保你认识你的社交媒体“朋友”." 当你收到好友请求时, 即使你知道你们有共同的朋友, 确认请求是合法的. Make sure requests are coming from people who are actually who they say they are.
  • 在约会网站上要谨慎. 即使是在合法的约会网站上, you don't know if a person you meet through the site is telling the truth. 当与潜在的日期相对应时, 怀疑假照片, frequent spelling errors and expressions of love early in the relationship. You should also be concerned if someone you've been communicating with avoids an in-person meeting. 骗子经常声称在海外工作. Never send money to anyone you meet online, even if they seem sincere.
  • 小心不请自来的来电者. 不是政府的人, 包括国税局, will ever call you to demand money or your personal information, 或者威胁说如果你不提供,就采取法律行动. 如果政府需要信息, 他们将邮寄一封信, 其中包括一个具体的号码和一个要打给的人. 根据美国国税局, “这些骗局的一大危险信号是愤怒, threatening calls or emails from people who say they are from the IRS urging immediate payment. 这不是我们的行事方式. People should hang up immediately and contact TIGTA (the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration) or the IRS."

Looking for more information and other social media safety tips?



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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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