A large crowd outside.

Ways to help stay safe in a crowd


There may be safety in numbers, but attending busy sporting events, 音乐会和其他大型聚会可能并非没有风险. Help protect yourself and your family from a crowd crush, injury, illness, 考虑以下建议:扒手和人群中可能出现的焦虑.

How to protect yourself from a crowd crush

当一大群人挤在一个有限的空间里,没有什么东西时,就会发生人群挤压, or any, room to move. 它很快就会变成一个危险的情况,所以知道你可以采取什么步骤是很重要的.

  • 睁大你的眼睛,看看人群往哪里走,如果可能的话,赶紧离开.
  • 尽量保持直立,因为拥挤的人群会导致人们摔倒并被踩踏.
  • 把你的手臂放在胸前,像拳击手一样,这样你的肺就有空间呼吸.
  • Try not to panic and save your breath.
  • 远离障碍物,除非你可以利用它们安全逃生. 障碍是很危险的,因为你可能会被它压扁而无法呼吸.

Help prevent injury

When in a large crowd, keep these tips in mind.

  • Locate and identify your exits.
  • 如果人群似乎失去控制,考虑离开.
  • 不要穿宽松的衣服或配饰,以免被缠结或拉扯.
  • 穿封闭脚趾的鞋子,系好鞋带以防止绊倒.
  • Avoid standing on or near structures that could collapse.
  • Walk around big crowds rather than pushing through them.
  • 早点或晚点离开,以避免活动结束后的拥挤.
  • 如果你被困在移动的人群中,侧身或斜着走出去.

Stick together and communicate

  • 确保你的手机在活动开始前充满电并开机. You may want to program it to vibrate and ring.
  • Try to stay with your group if possible.
  • 提前讨论两个可以辨认的地方,如果你们走散了可以在那里见面.
  • 寻找张贴的和可识别的标志来帮助你找到路.
  • 向活动现场的引座员或保安寻求帮助或信息.

Child safety in large crowds

  • Keep a diligent eye on your children.
  • 让你的团队穿相同的衣服,或者穿颜色鲜艳、独特的衣服.
  • 在离开家之前,用相机或手机给孩子拍一张照片. If you become separated, 你会有一张你孩子的最新照片,以及他或她穿什么给官员看.
  • 提醒年幼的孩子避开陌生人,并帮助他们识别迷路时可以求助的警察或官员.
  • 把你的电话号码放在孩子的口袋里,以防你们走散.
  • If you find yourself in a crowd crush with your child, 试着把他们放在你的肩膀上,这样他们就可以在人群中呼吸了.

Avoid illness

  • 通过喝水和补充电解质来保持体内水分,以帮助避免感冒 heat related illness.
  • Try to keep your hands away from your face.
  • 经常洗手,特别是在吃饭前后或使用洗手间.
  • Avoid sitting or standing near individuals who appear sick.

Deter pickpockets

  • Try to carry only your identification, cash and one credit card.
  • Carry important items in your front pockets.
  • 在钱包上缠上橡皮筋,这样就更难从口袋里拿出来了.
  • 选择有拉链、有纽扣或有搭扣的钱包,并有挂在身上的带子.
  • 考虑使用射频识别(RFID)屏蔽钱包来帮助保护您的卡. 这项技术可以通过阻挡无线电波来保护你的个人信息不被窃取.

Check out more helpful safety tips like road tripping with your pet, first-time flyer safety or driving to Mexico.

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