飓风 evacuation route sign with storm clouds.


Actions you can take to help protect your family, home and property when preparing for a hurricane.

The destructive force of a hurricane should never be taken lightly. These powerful storms can unleash devastating winds, 暴雨, storm surges and tornadoes causing extensive damage. And while you can't stop a hurricane from coming, you can strengthen your home against its brutal force. Here are hurricane preparedness actions you can take to help protect your property, 甚至可能救你的命.


走一走,看看你的家 为你的财产创建一个家庭清单. 这可以是一个书面清单的形式, digital app or video — or a combination of any of these tools. Go with whatever makes it the easiest for you to document your belongings. An inventory can help during the claims process in the event of a covered loss.

用水准备. 填满集装箱, buckets or tubs so that you can flush your toilets and wash your hands in the event you are allowed to stay home and your water supply is cut off. 密封也是有帮助的, frozen bags of water to help keep frozen items cold should you lose power.

做好断电的准备. 考虑用发电机作为备用电源. 应急备用发电机, 无论是家庭备用还是便携, can help keep some appliances running during a power outage — which could take days or even months before power is restored. And try to keep flashlights and batteries on hand.


在飓风来袭之前, add strength to the structure of your home to help prevent wind and water damage. 如果下达了飓风疏散令, go to a shelter as directed by local authorities or consider friends or relatives outside of the evacuation area.

If you are evacuating, tell someone what time you left and w在这里 you’re going. 也, fill your 车辆’s gas tank or charge your 车辆’s battery, make sure you have enough supplies for an extended period, and avoid traveling near flowing streams and flooded areas. Don’t forget medications, identification, and cash.

撤离人造房屋. Do not stay in a manufactured home during severe winds. 它们很容易被大风吹翻, and flying debris can puncture their light frames and exteriors.


  • Close your storm shutters or cover your windows with sturdy plywood.
  • Ensure all exterior doors are secured and close all interior doors to compartmentalize and minimize damage.


  • Check your sump pump and make sure it's ready for the storm. Consider a house generator that may assist in further water mitigation in the event of a prolonged power outage.


  • Consider protecting your garage door with a shutter or screen rated for wind pressure and debris impact.

Ensure your exterior property is prepared for the hurricane as well

  • Store any non-secure items or non-structural elements from around your property in your home or garage, 如:
    • 庭院家具
    • 烤架
    • 垃圾桶
    • 门廊秋千
    • Landscaping ornaments, such as sculptures or bird baths
  • If you are leaving an RV or a 车辆, try to store it in a garage or secured facility.
  • 如果你有船,把它系牢. If your boat is ashore in a jack stand, strap the boat down when possible.

If you've been affected by the recent hurricane in your area and need to report your claim, text the word “CLAIM” to 62789 to receive a link or you can report easily through geo-drillchina.com®, our State Farm mobile app, contacting your State Farm agent or calling 800-SFClaim 800-732-5246800-732-5246.

如果你确定你的家遭受了持续的破坏, to protect your property from further damage or loss, be sure to make reasonable and necessary temporary repairs. Keep an accurate record of repair expenses along with any photos of damage. If you have a covered loss, these repairs may be reimbursed by State Farm.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.