Woman laying on the floor paying bills on laptop.


Rent, 如果在签订租赁协议之前没有与房东充分讨论押金和费用,有时会变得棘手.

Rent, deposits, 如果没有和房东充分讨论,费用有时会变得棘手 before signing a rental agreement. Knowing your new landlord's rent expectations, the security deposit, 相关的入住费用会让你感觉更自在. Also, ask about amenities, 因为可能会有一些你没有预料到的与你的新租赁有关.

Ask these questions before signing your new lease

  • What's included in rent?
    你可能知道每月租金是多少,但你知道它包括的一切吗? 你的租金可能包括某些公用事业,停车位或存储空间. If something is not included in rent, ask your landlord 如果他们提供额外费用的选择,或者如果他们建议,首选供应商.

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  • How do I pay rent?
    Rent is typically paid online or by check. 了解如何付款是很重要的. If it's unclear how you should pay, 你的付款可能会迟交,你可能要承担滞纳金. 如果你的房东不允许网上支付房租, 问一下你应该把支票寄给谁,寄到哪里? Or, does your landlord accept money orders?

    以防万一,问问如果你的房租支付晚了会发生什么. How many days is considered late? At what point will you be charged a late fee?

  • Is there a Security Deposit?
    保证金是你在租期结束时收回的押金. 你的房东可能会从你的押金中取出钱来修理你、你的宠物或你的客人造成的损坏, during your tenancy. 询问你的房东是否有具体的原因导致你的押金不能全额退还.

    In some states, 房东需要把你的保证金存入一个单独的银行账户,并给你保证金的利息. 你应该查一下你所在州的押金法律,问问你的房东他或她打算怎么处理你的押金.

    你还应该问你的房东,“你有没有记录? the current condition of the apartment?" Your landlord should be. 要求查看并签署检查,以确保这是一个公平的评估. 你还应该拍下入住条件的照片,以防以后发生纠纷. If you skip this step, you risk the inspection being inaccurate, which can cost you part of your deposit.

    In short, 确保你询问了保证金的条款——如果保证金是可以退还的, where it's held, if you should expect interest on it, and if any portion of it is non-refundable. 如今,押金变得越来越少见,因为许多房东选择收取不可退还的迁入费.

  • Is There A Move-In Fee?
    Move-in fees are usually nonrefundable. 大多数房东用这笔额外的费用来支付新租客的费用(支付油漆费用), cleaning, etc.). 询问一下是否有迁入费,费用是多少,是否可以退款. As a general rule, fees are nonrefundable and deposits are refundable.

Like knowing your credit score before talking to a potential landlord, asking your landlord about the rent, security deposit, and additional fees is crucial. You need to know when rent is due, how to pay, 为了确保你签租约时不会出现意外,需要支付哪些额外费用.

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