

从金融理念到提高生产力的技巧, 这些提示可以帮助您在远程工作时管理您的设置.

T在这里 are many benefits of working remotely, from increased flexibility to zero commute time. 以下是远程工作时需要考虑的一些建议.


  • 考虑向税务专业人士寻求帮助. 特别是对于自雇人士, a tax pro can help establish good record-keeping routines and explain any business tax deductions, 费用和财务考虑.
  • 建立费用跟踪制度. 如果你 employed by a company, you may have certain expenses they've agreed to reimburse you for. 如果你 自由职业者, it helps to understand what expenses you'll incur and how you'll monitor them. 您可能需要考虑远程办公扣款工作表, 一个移动应用程序和一张专用的商务信用卡, 太.
  • 留出文书工作时间. Include a weekly appointment on your calendar that you dedicate to invoicing, 合同及其他文书工作, 如果你不是个体户,包括时间表.
  • 保护你自己. 如果你有一个远程或家庭业务,你可能需要责任 报道 as well as protection for any assets (equipment, devices, computers, etc.)你使用的.
  • 投资儿童保育. 照顾孩子和工作是很累人的. 如果可能的话, find times when caregivers can lend a hand and give you time to 焦点 on work or other tasks that need attention.


  • 了解雇主的远程工作政策. Your company’s Human Resources department should have a handbook or guidelines on remote work policies, 期望和程序. They may also have protocols around communication, meetings, calls and production work. 一定要理解需求是什么.
  • 创建一个专用的工作区. 避开需要与他人共享空间的区域. Some companies require you to have a quiet and dedicated office space to take phone calls or to concentrate.
  • 投资必要的设备和软件. 确保你有适合你工作的设备. 例如打印机、扫描仪、安全更新或设备. Your needs may differ depending on what you do and whether you're 自由职业者 or employed by a company.
  • 注意人体工程学. 有一张靠背舒适的椅子吗. 此外,开会时可以考虑佩戴免提耳机或耳塞.


  • 制定时间表. One risk of working remotely is that t在这里's no one that serves as a check-in. 没有接待员监视你的出入, 没有同事在身边分享会议时间和友情. 为了抵消这一点, establish regular working hours so that you maintain a clear delineation between work and non-work time and align those hours with your co-workers.
  • 当你需要休息的时候,让自己休息一下. Perhaps one day a week you choose to work at a coffee shop or library. It's a great way to break up what can be a monotonous schedule at home. 在咖啡店工作时,一定要使用VPN, library or outside location and make sure that the internet access meets security protocols.


  • 起来,穿好衣服. 穿着舒适的衣服或睡衣工作是很诱人的, but it is good practice to get dressed and groomed as you would if you were going into an office or other work setting. 这不仅有助于激励和鼓舞士气, 但它也在你的日常生活中建立了一致性.
  • 坚持你的时间表. Follow regular mealtimes, just as you would if you worked in a typical office.
  • 设置闹钟或应用提醒. Apps can help remind you to get up from your desk and move, even if it’s just a 绕着街区走走 或者一些伸展运动. Being outside and taking advantage of fresh air could help your mood, 循环, 焦点, 生产力也可能有所帮助 缓解压力.
  • 走出去见见人. If you telecommute, try to set up (or join) office meetings occasionally, if possible. Establish a cadence of lunch meetings with clients, co-workers or potential clients.
  • 努力实现工作与生活的平衡. 旅行和工作可以模糊工作和休闲之间的界限, so establish routines that help you stay productive and avoid burnout.


  • 研究健康pp王者电子官网. The last thing you want to have to think about is access to quality care if you get sick or injured while traveling. Find 报道 that allows you to see healthcare professionals when you need to no matter w在这里 you are.


  • 注意网络钓鱼. 网络钓鱼仍然是对安全的一大威胁. 仔细检查电子邮件, 尤其是那些不请自来的, 创造一种紧迫感, 唤起强烈的情绪或要求敏感的信息. Don't open attachments or click links within emails from senders you don't recognize.
  • 更新路由器密码. 路由器是你家通往互联网的大门, 所以一定要用强密码保护好. 第一种方法 保护你的家庭网络 is by changing its pre-set password to a strong password and using encryption so hackers can't read information you send.
  • 设置强密码. This helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing your accounts and personal information.
  • 对家庭安全保持警惕. 尤其是摄像头很容易受到黑客攻击.
  • 启用多因素身份验证. This adds additional steps in the login process to prevent unauthorized users from getting into your accounts.
  • 使用安全的网络和设备. 避免连接不安全的公共Wi-Fi网络, consider using a portable Wi-Fi hotspot or mobile data instead of public Wi-Fi, avoid accessing financial accounts on public computers or unsecured networks, 并在笔记本电脑和移动设备上使用全磁盘加密.
  • 下载软件和应用程序时要谨慎. 验证该网站是合法的和熟悉的. 恶意网站可能包含不受欢迎的病毒或恶意软件.
  • 启用远程跟踪和擦除. This can help prevent your data from being accessed if your devices are lost or stolen.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

状态 Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Homebased businesses might require small business insurance since homeowners may not cover business needs.


Learn information about what can cause stress in the workplace and some tips to help fend it off.


Walking is a healthy exercise that can reduce the effects of 太 much sitting. 这里有一些在家中和工作中做到这一点的建议.


帮助 streamline your budget and build a stronger financial future for your business with these tactics.

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