54-why-clearing-car-windows-winter-Person removing snow and ice from their windshield in the winter.


清霜, removing snow and scraping ice helps increase your road visibility while driving during the winter months.

At anytime of year, especially during the dark and potentially treacherous 冬季驾驶天数因此,保持车窗干净是很重要的. Be sure to build in extra time to remove snow and ice from your car and windshield before you drive out onto the wintry roads.


  • Before you tackle accumulations on the windows, check to see that the tailpipe is free of snow. 雪覆盖你的排气管会导致 你的车里有一氧化碳. 然后,打开汽车,启动除霜器. It may take five minutes or more to warm up the car and start the melting process. 在您等待时清除车顶、引擎盖和后备箱盖上的积雪.
  • 接下来,清理侧窗和后窗. Do the windshield last to give the defroster more time to start melting the ice.
  • Don't forget to clear your exterior mirrors, headlights, taillights and turn signals. Your last steps: Clear off and dry your wiper blades and make sure your wiper fluid nozzles are clear. 如果你的雨刷用了六个月以上,或者 没有把窗户清理干净,是时候换一个了.


  • 使用塑料刮冰器光滑的一面清除冰霜. If it's an especially light coating and you don't have a scraper, 钱包里的塑料卡或者旧的, 不能用的CD在紧要关头也可以用. Use vertical strokes and gently push the accumulation down and off the car.
  • 首先减少或防止积聚, you also could use a product specifically designed for this purpose on your windows. Ask your mechanic or the staff at an automotive supply store for recommendations, and be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when applying.





  • Use the ridged side of a plastic ice scraper to get ice off the windshield. 在窗户上划垂直的斜线, and then scrape across the window surface to break up the ice into smaller chunks.
  • 千万不要把热水倒在结冰的汽车上. The rapid temperature change can cause glass to crack or shatter. And don't use a screwdriver, metal key or other sharp item to chip ice away. 这些会刮伤或打碎玻璃.


  • 松软的雪, use a snow brush with plastic bristles or a broom to clear windows, 然后根据需要用刮冰器轻轻刮一下. 大雪可能需要用扫把扫雪, 但是不要用你的雪铲,否则你可能会损坏你的车.
  • 在清理车窗之前先把车顶上的雪清除掉, and also brush the snow off the front hood and trunk before you head out. Skip this step and big clumps of snow could blow off while you're driving, 妨碍你或其他司机的视线.
  • If your car can be kept in a garage or under an overhang, it can reduce snow and ice buildup. 如果没有的话, 盖住屋顶, windshield and hood of the car with a snow blanket can allow for easy removal by pulling the blanket away from the car.
  • Consider installing a remote starter to save you some time and help you with the clean-up process. It is an excellent way to defrost windows and make snow or ice removal easier and faster. Remote starters for cars also help make your car warm and toasty when you get in.


  • Sometimes your visibility can be hampered from inside the car. Always keep the air vent set to "fresh" rather than "recirculate,这可能会导致窗户雾蒙蒙的. Your car's defroster can help reduce the problem, as can opening your windows slightly. 为了达到最佳效果,使用空调. Air conditioners are designed to remove moisture from the air, 即使加热器开着,它们也能完成这项工作. Finally, keep a clean microfiber cloth in the car to clear stubborn foggy spots.
  • The driver and passengers should shake off as much snow and moisture from their clothes and shoes as possible before entering the car. This lessens the moisture level in the carpeting and upholstery and helps prevent fog buildup.
  • Also, clean your interior windows at least once a week during the winter. Over time, film can build up on windows, increasing the potential for fogging. Your local automotive supply store also carries products that you can apply to reduce interior fogging.

Learn more 冬季驾驶生存技巧 以及可能的方法来准备你的车过冬. 另外,一定要联系a State Farm® agent 为您的pp王者电子官网需求或问题.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.








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当汽车在冬天结冰的道路上打滑时, drivers can get a little help from the stability control system.

什么是黑冰?? 注意这个冬季的道路危险

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