

Using your smartphone too much can cause a variety of issues 和 could have a negative effect on your health. Learn what the issues are, how to prevent them 和 how to spend less time on your phone.

智能手机彻底改变了我们的交流方式, 我们是如何相互联系的, 和整体, 让很多事情变得更方便. 除了…的问题 分心驾驶边走边发短信因此,看屏幕时间过长可能会对你的健康产生负面影响.


  • “文本的脖子." Looking down at your phone for several hours a day can put serious pressure on your neck. 多亏了重力, tilting your head forward can exert a force on your spine between 50 和 60 pounds.
  • 睡眠不好. Not only does excessive smartphone use keep you mentally engaged late into the evening, the "blue" light from the screen can actually interfere with your ability to fall asleep 和 may increase your chances of insomnia.
  • 腱炎. Too much typing may cause tendons in your thumbs to become inflamed 和 sore.
  • 心烦意乱的旅行. Using your smartphone while driving can result in a serious accident, 而走路分心会导致受伤. 如果你乘坐公共交通工具上下班, looking down at your phone could cause you to miss your bus or train stop.
  • 的关系. Overuse of cell phones can act as a barrier to quality interactions 和 conversations, 导致我们对人际关系的满意度下降. Excessive device use can lead to feelings of being disconnected when we spend time with friends 和 family.
  • 注意力和学习问题. Wanting to check your smartphone all the time may affect concentration 和 distract you when you are in a class or work environment.
  • 体力活动减少. 通过触手可及的食物和娱乐, 你可能会在不经意间变得不那么活跃, 这可能 影响你的健康 从长远来看.
  • 视力问题. Watching the screen of your cell phone all the time may have a negative effect on your health as 所有的屏幕 发出 蓝色的光 这可能对人眼有害.
  • 缺乏个人沟通. Texting 和 instant messages can replace your need to communicate with others via phone call or in person.
  • 来自同辈的压力. Kids may feel pressured into getting the latest devices in order to feel accepted in their peer circle.


  • 把你的手机放在眼睛的高度. 而不是弯腰看手机, bring your phone up so you can look at it without bending your neck. You also can set reminders to stretch your neck if it starts to feel stiff or sore.
  • 使用语音辅助功能. 如果你的大拇指在发邮件的过程中开始抽筋,休息一下. Try using your smartphone's voice dictation feature to write text messages 和 emails, or put less stress on your h和s by using your phone on a flat surface.
  • 把手机放在看不见的地方. Keep your phone stowed in the passenger-side glove compartment or your pocket while you're out 和 about. No text message or social media post is worth your life — or someone else's.


  • 使用警报. 在你想睡觉前30到60分钟设置闹钟, 然后在另一个房间给你的手机或平板电脑充电, 不是放在床头柜上. Creating the habit of leaving your device out of the bedroom may be helpful when you are trying to wind down at night or when getting ready in the morning.
  • 留出“不打电话”的时间. Make it a priority to spend quality time with friends 和 family without your cell phone. 在不使用设备的时间之外, silencing your phone during meals 和 during face-to-face time is a good habit to cut back on overall usage.
  • 记录你的手机使用时间. 不同的智能手机都有屏幕时间追踪功能. 你可以在短时间内做这个练习. Learn how much time you spend on the device on a regular basis 和 decide if it is time to limit your smartphone usage.
  • 删除未使用的应用. Sometimes we add apps to learn a new language or play a new game 和 we don’t use them as much or at all. 删除这些应用程序不仅可以释放手机空间, 但同时也减少了花更多时间在上面的机会.
  • 管理的通知. 考虑关闭不同应用程序的通知, so you don’t spend extra time reviewing the latest comment on social media or a sale going on at an online store. Sometimes checking the notification will lead to spending more time on your phone 和 will keep you from other things you were originally doing.
  • 对家人和朋友有规定吗. 现在手机已经成为日常生活的一部分, we may tend to check apps or respond to a quick text while we are at dinner or in a social setting. 当你花时间和你的 孩子们, family 和 friends may help increase your quality time with them.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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保护智能手机的简单技巧, 比如锁定它,设置双因素身份验证, 可以帮助防止身份盗窃吗.

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回复留言, checking social media: The simple action of texting 和 walking equals distracted walking. The dangers are real, but t在这里 are steps to take to minimize your risk.

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